Products > GIESTA > Swing Door > Entrance Door P03


Swing Door

Entrance Door P03


Frame Depth 101.6 mm
Height of sill
Ketinggaan ambang bawah
Out-Swing 50 mm
In-Swing Outside 30 / Inside 14 mm
Door frame materials
Bahan bingkai pintu
Wood pattern type: wood patter resin sheet, wrapping on aluminium profile with syntthetic rubber
Jenis pola kayu Lembaran resin pola kayu, dibungkus pada profil aluminium dengan karet sintetis
Painted type anodized aluminium profile
Profil aluminium anodize tipe dcoat
Sill Kusen Anodized aluminium profile
Door panel materials
Bahan panel pintu
External sheet
Bagian luar
Wood pattern type :
(External) Resin laminated sheet/
(Internal) Anti-rust epoxy coating

Jenis pola kayu (External) Lembaran berlapis resin / (Internal) Lapisan epoksi anti karat
Inner Core
Bagian dalam
Polystyrene (EPS Foam)
Glass Kaca Insulating glass thickness 23mm (Cleared 3+Air gap 16+Patterned glass 4)
Ketebalan kaca isolasi 23 mm (bukaan 3+ Celah udara 16 + kaca berpola 4)


Tahan Tekanan Angin

JIS S-2: 1200 Pa
ASTM: 1200 Pa

Kedap Air

Out-swing: JIS W-2 150 Pa
ASTM : 150 Pa
In-swing : Not rated

Kedap Udara

Out-swing: JIS A-4
In-swing with sill: ASTM 75 Pa
In-swing: Not rated

Insulasi Suara

No rated


Sistem & Perangkat

5 Tahun

10 Tahun

Fitur Unik

1 Smart design to prevent finger pinching when door is closed

2 Wrapped steel panels with insulating structure inside are tough againts surrounding weather and termite. It also prevents heat transmission

3 Higher security with double lock system, triple sickle-shaped latches

4 Convenient and comfortable Push & Pull bar handle when applied to Out-swing type

5 Reversible key. User can lock and unlock with the key facing either up or down

6 Removable thumb-turn to prevent accidental opening without key